Section: New Results

Highlights of the Year

  • Rafael Misoczki's PhD thesis on code-based cryptography (defended in November 2013) has been awarded by the Brazilian Society of Computer Science as the best thesis in computer security.

  • Security analysis of some primitives for authentication and authenticated encryption: authentication is a major functionality in the vast majority of applications. It is usually implemented by a MAC (message authentication code). The main constructions for MAC are based on hash functions, and include the wide-spread HMAC construction. Gaëtan Leurent, together with Itai Dinur, has presented a new generic attack against HMAC when the underlying hash function follows the Haifa construction. This result points out that the hash function in HMAC has to be chosen very carefully and that some of the main families of hash functions may introduce unexpected weaknesses in the associated MAC. Also, the project-team is involved in a national cryptanalytic effort funded by the ANR which aims at evaluating the security of the recently proposed authenticated encryption schemes.

  • Parallel Repetition of Entangled Games: In a two-player free game G, two cooperating but non communicating players receive inputs taken from two independent probability distributions. Each of them produces an output and they win the game if they satisfy some predicate on their inputs/outputs. The classical (resp. entangled) value of G is the maximum winning probability when the players are allowed to share classical random bits (resp. a quantum state) prior to receiving their inputs. The n-fold parallel repetition of G consists of n instances of G where the parties receive all the inputs at the same time, produce all the outputs at the same time and must win every instance of G. This work by André Chailloux in collaboration with Giannicola Scarpa establishes that the entangled value of the parallel repetition of G decreases exponentially with n, thereby generalizing to the quantum setting Raz's celebrated parallel repetition theorem which is concerned with the classical value of the game. The main tool for proving this result is the introduction of a new information-theoretic quantity: the superposed information cost.